Your Expectations and Intentions
To a great degree, what you will get out of this program will depend on your expectations and intentions. Expectations are what you hope the program will give you and intentions are what you bring to the program. To get the most out of the program you need to turn your expectations into intentions.
You may have the following expectations from the program: You will get clear on your life purpose. You will develop an approach to capitalize on your natural gifts & talents. You will clarify your values so you’ll know your values will line up with those you’re working with.
But a program such as this is not like buying a vacuum cleaner with built-in features that will work despite your intention! This program will only work if you work the program. And this is why expectations will only take you so far. The program provides material, models, exercises, examples and a structure of support. But the program cannot “do your life planning and implementation plan for you.” You have to plug the program in, turn on the switch and go into action.
This is where intentions come in. Intentions are the active side of expectations. Take some time to think about what you intend to create during this program, taking full advantage of the resources offered. These might include the following:
An understanding of how capitalizing on your gifts and talents are a foundation for you truly being satisfied in your work
A new, more positive mindset about your purpose, your reason for being, your reason for getting up in the morning
A good idea of what problems you want to solve, issues you have to deal with
Insight into exactly why certain people need my services
Clarity about the measurements of success for my life so I can stop living in comparisons and do what’s good for me
A focused, written Life on Purpose plan with an action timetable that I’m committed to implement.
Now take a few minutes to write the intentions you have for this program (in your words) on the following page. This will be the first assignment for your preparation work prior to starting the What’s Next? Living The Good Life On Purpose Program.
All answers are held in strictest confidence and will not be shared with anyone. Period.