Discover Your Life Purpose through Hand Print Analysis
You may think its hocus pocus to learn about your Life Purpose, Personal Strengths and Challenges through your finger prints and hand analysis but I’ve been blown away with how accurate it is.
You will discover outstanding facts regarding your gifts, talents and life direction by looking at your hands. I’ve experienced the power myself and this 1:1 customized session is designed so you’ll discover an exciting and amazing new life direction for yourself.
Discovering your life calling by unlocking your personalized blueprint for success will leave you feeling more confident and satisfied that you can live your life fully and completely as you were designed to be. Unique information decoded from your fingerprints and hands will be used to guide you to your rich, full life.
The patterns on your fingertips were established when you were in the womb, four months prior to birth. Your fingerprints never change throughout your life and they identify and differentiate the unique you from everyone else.
Unlike your finger tip patterns, the rest of your hand does change. The lines, shape, flexibility and other markings are likely to change over time based on your life experiences and the choices you’ve made.
While we’re not predicting your future with this hand analysis approach, we do use this process help you be more comfortable and confident that you are on the right life path. You will reduce the stress, frustration and confusion knowing clearly what your life purpose and life lessons are.
Your life is literally in your hands.