If you’re in the process of discovering your Life Purpose and planning for what’s next in your life I suggest you check out the Free Assessments for Increased Clarity located under the Services tab.


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The Life Purpose Primer – Five POWERFUL Steps to DISCOVER Your Life Purpose and Live The Good Life Now. (under development)

We live in unusual times.  Never before in history have so many had so many choices regarding how we’d like to live the last 20-30 years of our lives.  

Today we live longer. We’re healthier and wiser.  Some of us even have some money.  Some of us don’t and we have to keep working for income, but we’d like to enjoy it more.  We still have between a 1/4 or 1/3 of our life to contribute to our communities, our children, our grandchildren and our own fulfillment during this new phase of our life… if we chose to! I call these years the “bonus years”.

According to recent research, people with purpose and meaning in their life are 40% happier and more fulfilled, than those without a purpose.  It’s also been reported that those with a clear purpose in their life will very likely extend their life by seven to eight years.  The challenge for many of us is determining what our “purpose” is during our “bonus years”.  Easy to say… find your purpose.  Not so easy to find when you’re 50 or older.

How would you like ensure that you are maximizing your opportunity to enjoy your “Bonus Years” and living the good life…..on purpose?  Are you fully enjoying your life?  Are you feeling satisfied?  Are you fulfilled? Happy?  Do you feel you’re maximizing your time on earth and fully utilizing your gifts & talents?

The Life Purpose Primer will guide you through five very powerful steps that will greatly enhance your ability to live a full satisfying life.  You will learn how to “refire” not retire.

If you think the Life Purpose Primer will add to your life satisfaction, reserve your copy of the Life Purpose Primer by signing-up here and we will send you the Primer when it is completed.  

To learn more about Larry’s offers the next place to go to is Services.


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